# Continuous Delivery in Government **_DevOps fundamentals for the public sector_** Aidan Feldman, Civic Technologist ## Setup 1. Go to Visual Studio Online: [online.visualstudio.com](https://online.visualstudio.com/environments) 1. Sign in, or create a Microsoft+Azure account if needed --- class: center, middle ## Intros --- class: center, middle ## Exercise --- class: center, middle ### What's your agency's Dev[Sec]Ops maturity? --- class: center, middle ### What's _your_ level of Dev[Sec]Ops experience? --- ## What we're going to accomplish\* - Setting up a development environment in [Visual Studio Online](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/services/visual-studio-online/) - Running an application "locally" - Automated application testing - Deploying to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) - Deploying to a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) - Automated security testing - Continuous integration (CI) _\*If we're lucky_ --- ## Disclaimers - _Please_ ask questions - If you have one, someone else is probably thinking the same thing - We are using Azure, but this is not an endorsement - Could use any number of cloud providers - You will need a credit/debit card - Just for verification; shouldn't cost anything --- class: center, middle ## [delivery.afeld.me](https://delivery.afeld.me/) --- ## Setup 1. Go to [Visual Studio Online](https://online.visualstudio.com/environments) 1. Sign in, or create a Microsoft+Azure account if needed 1. Create a Billing Plan 1. Create an Environment, using a `Git repository` of `afeld/delivery` 1. Click the Environment to Connect 1. [Open a terminal](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal) --- ## Visual Studio Online To run the app from Visual Studio Online: 1. Go into the application directory ```sh cd app ``` 1. Install dependencies. ```sh pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user ``` --- ### Run the app 1. Start the app server. ```sh flask run ``` 1. It should say `Running on` 1. In the Activity Bar (on the left), click the Remote Explorer 1. Under `Environment Details`, then `Forwarded Ports`, click `Port :5000` This should open a new browser tab that says "Hello, World!" --- class: center, middle ## Speed check --- ## Automated testing Run the tests: ```sh pytest test_local.py ``` --- ### Test-driven development (TDD) assignment 1. Add a test for a new route: `/bye` should return `Goodbye!` 1. Run the tests again ```sh pytest test_local.py ``` 1. Get the test to pass --- ## Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) 1. Go to [Create a Virtual Machine](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.VirtualMachine) (VM) 1. Fill in the Basics - **Resource group:** `Create new`, then enter `vm-manual` - **Virtual machine name:** `workshop` - **Username:** `vsonline` - **SSH public key:** 1. From terminal, run `cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` 1. Copy the output (`ssh-rsa` through `vsonline`) 1. Paste into input field - **Select inbound ports:** Select `HTTP` and `SSH` - Leave the rest as defaults 1. Click `Review + create` 1. Click `Create` --- ### SSH 1. Click `Go to resource` 1. Copy the `Public IP address` - Don't close the tab 1. From the terminal, run `ssh
` The prompt should change to `vsonline@workshop:~$`. --- ### Deploy 1. Install dependencies ```sh sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3-flask ``` 1. Get the app code ```sh git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/afeld/delivery.git ``` 1. Go into the app directory ```sh cd delivery/app ``` --- ### Deploy (continued) 1. Start the app server ```sh sudo FLASK_APP=app.py flask run -h -p 80 ``` 1. Go back to your Azure Portal tab 1. Copy the `Public IP address` 1. Open a new browser tab 1. Paste the IP into the URL bar 1. Press return --- ### What did we do? 1. Created a virtual machine 1. Provided an SSH key 1. SSH'd in 1. Installed dependencies 1. Downloaded the app code 1. Started the server --- ### What _didn't_ we do? - Configure HTTPS - Ensure high availability - Ensure that operating system packages stay up-to-date - Harden the SSH configuration - Set up logging - ... --- ### Exit 1. Press CONTROL+c 1. Type `exit` and press return Your prompt should change back to `vsonline:~/workspace`. --- class: center, middle ### How long would it take you to recreate? --- class: center, middle ### Why might that be a problem? --- ### Why might that be a problem? - Creating new environments (staging) - Migration - Accidental deletion - Security incidents --- class: center, middle ## Break? --- ## Infrastructure as code Setting up the Azure-level stuff. 1. Log into the Azure CLI ```sh az login ``` --- ### Infrastructure as code, continued 1. Go into the [`terraform/`](https://github.com/afeld/delivery/tree/master/terraform) directory ```sh cd terraform ``` 1. Initialize Terraform ```sh terraform init ``` 1. Create the infrastructure ```sh terraform apply ``` --- ### Configuration as code - Setting up the virtual machine-level stuff - We'll use Ansible, but Chef, Puppet, etc. are equivalent configuration management tools --- ### Configuration as code 1. Go to the [`ansible/`](https://github.com/afeld/delivery/tree/master/ansible) directory ```sh cd ../ansible ``` 1. Configure the virtual machine via Ansible playbook ```sh ansible-playbook -i vms.azure_rm.yml init.yml ``` --- ### Idempotency 1. Run Terraform again: ```sh cd ../terraform terraform apply ``` 1. What happened? 1. Visit the `public_ip` in your browser 1. Run Ansible again ```sh cd ../ansible ansible-playbook -i vms.azure_rm.yml init.yml ``` 1. What happened? --- class: center, middle ### Why is infrastructure/configuration as code a good idea? --- ### Why is infrastructure/configuration as code a good idea? - Consistency/repeatability - Auditability - Automate-ability - Unlike documentation, keeps itself up-to-date --- class: center, middle ## Break? --- ## Azure App Services _Roughly following the [Python Quickstart](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/containers/quickstart-python)._ --- ### Deploy 1. Deploy the application ```sh cd ../app az webapp up \ --sku F1 \ --name
-test ``` 1. It should output a URL. Copy to a new browser tab, and you should see "Hello, World!" 1. Try going to the `https://` version of that same URL --- ### View logs 1. Tail the logs ```sh az webapp log tail ``` 1. In your tab with the web page open, hit refresh 1. Look at the log output in your terminal --- ### What did we do? 1. Ran a single command 1. _Fin._ --- ### What _didn't_ we do? - Configure HTTPS - Ensure high availability - Ensure that operating system packages stay up-to-date - Harden the SSH configuration - Set up logging - ... ...because _all are done for us_. --- class: center, middle [![Microsoft cloud model comparison](https://blogs.partner.microsoft.com/mpn-canada/wp-content/uploads/sites/81/2017/06/Microsoft-Azure-Cloud-Models.png)](https://blogs.partner.microsoft.com/mpn-canada/transitioning-premise-virtual-machines-cost-effective-azure-cloud-models/) --- ## Security tests 1. Open [`test_security.py`](https://github.com/afeld/delivery/blob/master/app/test_security.py) 1. Modify the `HOST` to be your deployed app 1. Run the tests ```sh pytest test_security.py ``` --- ### Making security tests pass 1. Force HTTPS ```sh az webapp update --https-only true ``` 1. Run the tests again ```sh pytest test_security.py ``` --- ### Continuous integration (CI) 1. [Sign up](https://github.com/join) / [sign in](https://github.com/login) to github.com - Free plan is fine 1. From [the workshop repository](https://github.com/afeld/delivery), click `Use this template` 1. For `Repository name`, put in `delivery` (anything, really) 1. Click `Create repository from template` 1. On your newly created repository, click the `Actions` tab 1. You should see the build running --- ### Continuous integration (CI) assignment Get [Bandit](https://pypi.org/project/bandit/) to run against your repository. Do so by editing `.github/workflows/workflow.yml` through GitHub. _A clue: see how [`run`](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsrun) is being used._ --- class: center, middle ### Why is continuous integration a good idea? --- ### Why is continuous integration a good idea? - Consistency/repeatability - Auditability - Automate-ability - Unlike documentation, keeps itself up-to-date --- ## Cleanup\* To ensure you don't get charged for anything: 1. View [all resources](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/BrowseAll) 1. Select all 1. `Delete` _\*You can keep them if you like, but that's on you._ --- ## What we did - Set up a development environment - Ran an application "locally" - Automated application testing - Deployed to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) - Deployed to a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) - Automated security testing --- ## General principles - Do less - Leverage platforms - Automate - Get skills in-house --- ## Questions? - [@aidanfeldman](https://twitter.com/aidanfeldman) - [github.com/afeld/delivery](https://github.com/afeld/delivery) --- ## Thanks! - [@aidanfeldman](https://twitter.com/aidanfeldman) - [github.com/afeld/delivery](https://github.com/afeld/delivery)